Monday, April 23, 2018

Why numbers matter!

I was recently asked why I was so interested in how many children are registered in Bible Adventure and why I wanted to know how many families have been called to encourage them register for a week of summer camp here at Joy El.

In Luke 15:7  Jesus said it best - "I say to you that likewise there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance.

EVERY student is important to God, and as a servant of God, what is important to Him is important to me. Each member of the Joy El team has a responsibility to fulfill the great commision. In order to be effective at sharing the gospel with EVERY student placed by God in our care, we need to keep track of them. It doesn't matter if you are a listener, driver, prayer warrior, donor, or coordinator each of us has been called by God to care for these children and their families.

That is why the numbers are so very important for us to track!

We know that at the end of time Jesus wins...
but it is good for us to keep score while there is still time!

Check out summer camp dates HERE.

 To contribute any amount please Click Here to DonateThank you!

Changing Seasons

Changing Seasons It has been my privilege to serve with Joy El these past 2 years.  I’ve been humbled by the encouragement, pra...