On a recent Joy El Day Camp bus ride I met a lovely second grader who explained to me that she was coming to camp for the first time ever. She had many questions...how big is the pool? Is the zip-line fast? How high is it? What will we have for lunch? What if I get lost? Our friendship developed as I answered each of her questions. She pointed out a stream and told me that was where her pop-paw took her fishing...but they put the fish back. She opened up and confided in me that she got to come to camp because "My Dad got himself in a bit of a pickle." I later learned that this precious second grader was part of the Angel Tree Network. Joy El hosts children who had a parent in prison, for a week of camp through out the summer. While her Dad was "in a pickle" she was staying with her grandparents who signed her up to come to camp. Joy El offers this to Angel Tree children at greatly reduced cost because of the campership fund.
That afternoon on the bus ride home she told me that she had a great time at camp and learned about a young guy that God helped hit a giant in the head with a stone...and when the giant fell down, the guy cut off the giant's head. I asked her if she went to church and heard that story before. She told me "No, I went to church once but they didn't let me go on stage and sing with the other kids because I was new." She excitedly proclaimed that she had sung on stage at camp and even learned the dance for the song.
I am so blessed to be part of an organization that allows children to encounter God on a personal level. I praise God for giving us the opportunity to present the gospel with them. As I prayed for her through the week I watched her move from UnRooted to Rooted in Christ. Join me in praising the Lord for another child that began a relationship with Jesus last week.
If you know a child that needs to experience the Gospel now it the time to register them for camp. Visit www.joyelcamps.org for more details or call 717-369-4539 and ask about the special for first-time campers.
Please join me in asking God to send 20 monthly donors willing to partner with me in ministry for $25 each month. My position is underfunded but I know that God will provide the needed funding. Are you one of the 20 donors that I am praying for?
To contribute any amount please Click Here to Donate. Thank you!
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Tuesday, July 4, 2017
God Is Not Unjust!
I have seen the evidence of this scripture in action recently in my attempt at fund raising.
I thank God for those who have given sacrificially to the support of my position as Assistant Director of Released Time Ministries. The widow who gave an extra $20.00 for the month and the retired people who are facing health struggles of their own that still send $25 each month. I am blessed by the faithful $15.00 each month sent by a dear soul that loves The Lord above all else.
I praise God for the people that encouraged us to take this walk of faith as they support us with prayers, finances, and frequent dinner invitations. I praise God for the family that shared their savings account as a donation. I am thankful for the sharing of another donors tax refund. I praise God for the groceries that show up on the porch. I thank God for the people that paid the car repair expense and bought tires. I am thankful to the person that watches over our dog and cat when we go to conferences and stay overnight.
God has moved through many of you that read this blog and I thank God for all of these people that have the privilege of sharing the service of The Lord through His people.
"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them."
Hebrews 6:10
Please prayerfully consider joining me in God’s ministry by supporting my position.
I am praying for 40 new monthly donors at $25.00 per month and a foundational donor for $3000.00
Please mail your checks payable to “Joy El” to Joy El, 3741 Joy-El Drive , Greencastle , PA 17225 designated to “Victor Holler Missionary” You can also click here to donate online. Please remember to scroll down to my name and enter the amount on that line.
Monday, July 3, 2017
From Generation to Generation
Friday afternoon I greeted parents as they entered the worship center, asking them “Are your children were in the Released Time Bible Program at school?” The responses were as varied as the parents. Some did not know about the program, others did but had questions, many knew about the program.
I met a grandmother who was in the Released Time while it was still taught during school and called Children’s Bible Ministry. She told me how she earned a week of camp before there was a Camp Joy El. She also shared how at that camp you had to clean your own cabin. This dear grandmother said when she had children they came to released time and earned free camp at Joy El. Now her grandchildren were coming to Released Time and Camp Joy El. Her daughter from Lancaster came and stayed the week with her and the grandchildren would come to day camp. Her other daughter would come the same week each summer with her children and all of the cousins would share the day camp experience together.
She was so thankful that God was providing solid Biblical teach for her grandchildren and how God has used the ministry of Camp Joy El and the Released Time Bible Program
I continue to seek support to cover the cost of my position as Assistant Director of the Released Time Bible Program. Please pray for this need. Please share this need. Most of all praise God for this need. Last year was the second highest year for attendance with 3457 students enrolled in the program. It is vital that we use every opportunity to share the gospel to mentor the next generation and to support the 1200 plus volunteers invested in the Great Commission.
To donate please follow the link and scroll down to my name to donate. Click Here to Donate
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